Trial date set for former Killen Police officer indicted for sex crimes

FLORENCE, Ala (WHNT) — A Lauderdale County Judge has set a trial date for a Former Killen police officer charged with rape and sodomy in November.

According to court records, the trial for former officer Jarrod Webster is set for April 15, 2024.

Webster appeared in court Nov. 20 to be arraigned on charges of first-degree rape and first-degree sodomy. Records show that during that hearing Webster pleaded not guilty to both charges.

Lauderdale County Sheriff Joe Hamilton said Webster was arrested on Nov. 17 after an investigation into possible misconduct by his office.

On the evening of November 12, the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) received a call from Crestwood Medical Center stating a female patient disclosed that she had been sexually assaulted by a Killen police officer during a traffic stop early that morning.

Due to the allegation including a police officer being involved in a sexual assault while on duty, Lauderdale County investigators began a joint investigation with the FBI.

Throughout the investigation, authorities determined there was enough evidence to take the case to the Lauderdale County Grand Jury, which was currently in session.

Webster initially appeared before the court on the same day he was arrested.

Killen Police Chief Bryan Hammond said the mayor and town council accepted Webster’s resignation during the special meeting on Monday, Nov. 20.

The same day, Webster’s attorney Tim Case filed a motion asking that Webster be allowed to make bond and be released from custody. Lauderdale County Circuit Judge Benjamin Graves issued an order Monday setting a bond hearing on Dec. 15.

